XuZhou Kit Leather Products Co., Ltd. in Jiangsu Province PRC, which was transferred from the former st-ate-owned XuZhou Leather Products Factory, is a stock -holding -system industry specialized in producing all types of leather products. With its scientific management, advanced equipment and superior technical power, the company manufactures leather products for all purposes. Its five leading categories are tool bags, millitary and police facility, sports, office and daily-life articles, which are all quite unique and expanding a wide range. One noted goods characteristic both in native and overseas markets is its equipment products, such as tool bags (pouches), tool aprons, knife sheath, safety belts, work-uniform belts, military or police leather holsters and leather shoulder holsters, handcuff case, army-uniform belt, picnic facility, hunting app-liance, sports protection, body-building aiding equipment, high quality genuine leather attaché suitcases, briefcases, files, notebooks, pear and jewelry cases and ladies cases, which are among the leading products and distributed to U.S., Canada, France, Germany,Australia, Japan, South Korea, Middle East, etc. It gains applause of customers and long-term sale connection has been set up.
XuZhou Kit Leather Products Co., Ltd. in Jiangsu Province PRC, which was transferred from the former st-ate-owned XuZhou Leather Products Factory, is a stock -holding -system industry specialized in producing all types of leather products. With its scientific management, advanced equipment and superior technical power, the company manufactures leather products for all purposes. Its five leading categories are tool bags, millitary and police facility, sports, office and daily-life articles, which are all quite unique and expanding a wide range. One noted goods characteristic both in native and overseas markets is its equipment products, such as tool bags (pouches), tool aprons, knife sheath, safety belts, work-uniform belts, military or police leather holsters and leather shoulder holsters, handcuff case, army-uniform belt, picnic facility, hunting app-liance, sports protection, body-building aiding equipment, high quality genuine leather attaché suitcases, briefcases, files, notebooks, pear and jewelry cases and ladies cases, which are among the leading products and distributed to U.S., Canada, France, Germany,Australia, Japan, South Korea, Middle East, etc. It gains applause of customers and long-term sale connection has been set up.
- 主要经营产品:
- 工具包 ; 工具套 ; 工装带 ; 保险带 ; 枪套 ; 手铐套 ; 电警棍套 ; 武装带 ; 健美腰带 ; 举重腰带
- 经营范围:
- 裘皮、皮革制品销售及进出口业务;皮包生产。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
- 营业执照号码:
- 91320301768256150D
- 法人代表:
- 刘尚海
- 成立时间:
- 2004-12-13
- 注册资本:
- 人民币50万 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供
- 地址:徐州 徐州经济技术开发区蟠桃山路北侧
- 邮编:221007
- 电话:13951357058
- 联系人:尚华
- 手机:13852432518
- 传真:86 516 87768052